Snoopy and Magic

Ok, look, it's not usually very common to make this type of post on this site instead of a review or something similar, but for archival reasons and to have an excuse to write and upload something before the end of the year (it's incredible that Christmas and New Year are so close)
This is a post to basically say: Finally!
After a lifetime of wanting to have a sticker album, today I finally managed to have one! and not only that but I also bought a magic the gathering booster pack
Being more specific, the Snoopy sticker album was bought yesterday, November 14, and the magic booster pack today, November 15, 2023
Now when I was a child I wanted to have an album like this, in fact I have certain very vague memories of cousins or seeing people trying to complete one of these albums, the memories are so vague that I can't even mention a year or a reference but one thing is certain, I don't know if in other parts of the world things are different, but at least in my childhood and where I live this type of albums were the best, almost at the level of having pokemon cards especially if they were about things related to soccer and they weren't hard to find but I guess maybe the interests of children changed or maybe these albums went up in price even more over the years there was a long period of my life until now I would say in which I stopped seeing this kind of products and I only saw a couple of these decompose over time in the window of some small shop. It wasn't until now that I've seen a certain revival of this things and now I've seen old and new editions being published and advertised a lot on instagram, I even remember that a couple of months ago with an old friend I saw one of these miraculous ladybug albums being sold in a supermarket and now this snoopy album that was introduced to me by my nephew and which he encouraged me to buy since he also has the album.
It was all meant for me to buy Snoopy and his irresistible merchandise because let's be honest, seeing something with Snoopy is almost a blind purchase just like many people buy anything that might have a picture of Mickey Mouse or Hello Kitty on it. Besides, who doesn't like Snoopy anyway?
but i must say, that i had a lot of dreams for a long time to start collecting cards, i remember that as a child i had a deck of naruto cards that my sister gave me which i have not been able to find despite searching a lot in my house
so this could be considered a restart so after learning to play a little magic thanks to mtg arena the desire to have cards again came back and despite looking at many sales of mtg and pokemon card lots, and when i found out a while ago about the development of blumburrow i just wanted to have it, and time passed until now that i found out that in the card store in my city they sold these booster packs, there was no doubt after days i finally had the opportunity to buy them and here in my hands I have it.
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't opened it yet (I'll keep the honor of opening them on my birthday) I already want to get another bloomburrow booster pack and I plan on getting another one if they have stock in the store next month since I saw that they haven't bought much of this set compared to the others I saw in the magic showcase like "march of the machines" or "lord of the rings", I don't know why maybe not many people liked the "furrification" of magic or maybe there aren't many interesting cards in this set and I bought it just because I've seen a lot of squirrel cards with swords (I love that crap), it's my first booster, I'm a novice buyer with a lot of doubts, maybe on the other hand this set could be for more novice players and not so much for the competitive one? I don't know... and well if I can't buy another bloomburrow, I'll buy a "lord of the rings" booster pack or buy digimon, yep digimon tcg is under my radar too and more now that digimon is catching my attention more than ever, in fact for a long time I've had on my list cards like palmon, impmon and my renamon and the random digimon card lots at least in my country on many web pages are not so expensive, I don't know why, maybe digimon tcg is cheap here because there is a significant player base?.
But that would be it, in short I am very happy with these acquisitions to my growing collection, with a bit of a comeback flavor I can't wait to put all this next to my books and pins
Well that's all, I just wanted to write a little before I start filling the Snoopy album with stickers and I hope I don't have any duplicates.
The Day has Arrived: AKG 52 Impressions

The day finally arrived, after all this time i finally... FINALLY had the chance to buy an AKG 52, i had this in my wishlist in a very long time although unironically i bought them not long ago after the update of my wishlist Those AKG's and the Superlux HD681 where my options for a cheap audiophile approved headphone options
Although the price was not high, in fact is the main reason for many people to have one of those options
my pocket said the contrary and was a matter of wait and being patience and some luck, why?
Because i was looking in places where this kind of headphone are sold and i almost bought some Audio technica AVC200
which where my most low price option at that day, but in a quick search i found in a extremely low discount in the most unexpected place
A Supermarket
Anyway the thing just arrived two days later, and gotta say, the box is BEEEEG, and the headphones.. are BEEEEG
i mean i kinda expected that but is not the same when you have it in your hands wrapped entirely in that protective bag with air pockets
my mom had some gud time playing with that bag, also as you see in the pictures is a bit more bigger than my old panasonic headphones and also in a way had few more
"advantages" in terms of construction, the AKG 52's had more bigger ear cups allowing that your entire ear is covered with some sweet cushions that are actually really confortable
and also had a headband which is not the same as an standard headphones, like other headphones and my panasonics, these AKG's have an "auto adjustable" headband who adapts with your head
as soon you put it, instead of the traditional way of pull one of the ear cups to adjust
This can be a problem for people who has a big head probably but for me is a bless i can use even more hours these headphones than my old ones, and aside from that, comes with like 2 meters of cable
expanding your range of movility in case if you are lazy and want to grab something near without taking your headphones off
I see this like a mix bag, this can have benefits and a lot of draw backs, the fact you can not remplace that 2 meter cable dosent help either so if for some reason i broke it the AKG's will go straight to the trash bin.
As soon i took the headphones off the box i jumped to my crappy pc and i created a quick "Playlist"
with songs i thought can be appropiate to test because... many reasons really, some had a lot of bass, ambiance and things like that
and just to spice the things up i tried different audio files and sources
Theres no reason I just did it for fun really, audio formats can made a diference but i guess those can play their role with hi-res and DAC audio players and not with a normal
sound card because you know normal devices dont have powerful audio capabilities... Anyway
theres the first test:
Yeule - Pocky Boy/Poison Arrow (Listened at Spotify at Standard)
Disasterpeace - Hyper Light Drifter (The Whole album listened at Bandcamp Standard Quality)
Claude Larson - Memory Image (Listened at Youtube Music)
Black Midi - Sugar/Tzu (Listened at Youtube Music)
Vangelis - Blade Runner (The Whole album Listened Digital Archive .wav)
Casiopea - Domino Line (Digital Archive .m4a)
Woob - Woob (Digital Archive .flac)
Also, idk where i read or heard this but somebody commented about apart of being good headphones for music and sound mixing, the 52's was a good gaming headset
i didnt expect to use this with gaming purposes but i tried anyway this some games i had installed, again probably not the appropiate games but who cares
-Banners of Ruins
-Team Fortress 2
-Magic The Gathering Arena
-Half Life 2
Gotta say as my first real reactions was... wow... just wow, i know probably
with my current set up is probably not something amazing for audiophile people or people
who is more into headphones and audioequipment because come on i just have a intel i3 notebook
with is not the best audio equipment but thats the reason why i bought this AKG's because
even with a crappiest equipment can squeeze every single sound with only 32 Ohms
Saying that, it was AMAZING!! i just love this things and days and days after the first try seems like
things are just getting better in fact was a cool way to re discover my music trying to figure out how it sounds
after many tries, listen which elements could appear or maybe how the drums could sound
Saying that the AKG's allowed me to listen to albums or songs where with my old headphones some elements just seems
to "dissapear"
A good example is this "Live from the Moonlight" album by Chet Baker Trio
I know its youtube, i know is not a source where the quality is an advantage buut the thing is with my old headphone i couldnt hear some elements in the song
for example i could hear the trumpet, vocals and sometimes piano but not the bass, dont know if was something related to the audio quality or my headphones but probably if turn up the volume, those instruments would be more audible but screw that I would never listen to music at 100 of volume, take care of your ears kids.
Never heard that album entirely by the way, should do it, maybe now i can.
Overall, what more i can say? i just love this things and my ears too, i know its just a minimal upgrade from
my old pairs of headphones but an upgrade its an upgrade and i know my listening experience can get better and better
just buying and making the right combinations so theres without doubts a big room from improvement
even without spending money
Probably downloading the right audio files with a audio player with EQ options can made some diference
Theres a lot of people with my same AKG's without a fancy audio equipment whos trying to squezee all the potential possible.
Obviously if i buy fancy cheap good equipment can take this AKG's to the sky, like some good old FiiOs BTR3K, BTR5 or even a
Hiby FC3, the poor audiophile/music maniac beginner set up
Anyway my final veridict is... Buy some AKG's damn it, specially if you wanna made a litte big upgrade from your $5 chinese
cheap plastic headphones, or even if you just wanna play your games with good sound (specially if theres a lot of explosions or weapon sounds, i mean.. those sword clashing in Banners of ruins was *chef kiss*) the AKG 52 is literally like a all terrain
What will happen with my old Panasonic RP-HF100? Well, my mom like to listen music too just at night and we literally shared the thing
so My mom was really happy to have that pair just for her, she loved the AKG's but she thinks its a bit to big for her
Oh By the way, thanks to this, i started to listen to new stuff again, so since that day ive been discovered a few albums so yeah, probably i will make more reviews anytime soon, trust me, i discovered some wild stuff, weirder, unique and obscure, like always
Geforce NOW: A poor gamer first impressions

Geforce now is a thing i wanted to test just by curiosity since a long time
despite being a streaming service but i never wanted to take the initiative
since the servers where far away from my land
but by curiosity the past saturday i visited the nvidia site and for my surprise
they finally put some servers here in trashland and offer a free plan for people poor
like me so i give it a chance
Since Geforce now is a streaming service i had a lot of doubts since with this kind of technology
you need to have a Nasa level of internet conection, in fact when i installed the program and did a
quick test with my wifi conexion even Geforce now knew that my conexion sucked, so i had to bring my old
ethernet cable that i built years ago and that was enough but even Geforce
keeps suggesting that the connection was not very stable.
But i had nothing to loose so, yeah, to begin Geforce Now offers a big numbers of games if you dont have
games on steam or other platform but still have some free games being mostly the popular games on the market
you know, league of legends, aphex, fornite all those
And the cool thing is, if you want to buy a game you can do that in the nvidias platform and even if you
didnt want to use more geforce now that game if is linked to steam for example that game, not that game belongs
to your steam library too, now thats nice.
Anyway i wanted to try some games but the bad thing about the free account is you have a 30 minute limit to play
and you need to have to wait to the others players, so if you want to play for example fornite, you cant do that
without wating to the other 500 players playing the game with their 30 minutes, so theres a lot of patience
to try just one game, so just for that i decided to try just 3 games.
Half life 2
I never tried something like this before so i wanted to start with
something not that demanding, so i tried the good old half life 2
even modern calculators can run hl2 so obviously running this game
cant be a problem to run, i also beated this game several times so i started
with the third chapter to begin
My pc can handle hl2 witout problem at medium settings so just in second
i not only noticed a graphical change but a fps "boost" running at 60fps
even in full chaotic combat situations and the most important part
the gameplay was smooth and without interruptions in the entire 30 min run
so even the little changes in with the internet conection where not a big problem
to ruin the experience
Also in the first minutes of gameplay i realised Geforce NOW was taking screenshot
every lapse of time but sadly all my captures where taked in the worst moments in the game
so sadly, i cant show some pic to make justice in my first run so i took the
decision of take the screenshots myself, besides the screenshot thing on the first seconds of gameplay
nvidia really want to make you know how many time are you spending in the game, adding a damn chronometer
every few minutes, i gotta say, It reminded me a bit of those days of cybercafes, when there was a countdown and at the end the screen went dark or put some image.
Here is literally the same, the counter reaches 22:59 and the screen goes dark letting you know that time is up
But overall, not a bad first experience, so i wanted to try something a bit more demanding
of my steam library and see how it goes.

First Screen and the changes are so noticeable, i went to the setting at look at that, all set to max! i had no words but.. it runs well?

I gonna talk about that 30 min thing more in my conclusions because i have a lot to say about it.
I couldnt take more screenshots tho, because the action was so intense it was hard to press the key combination.
Also here is when i really notice the variations on the internet conexion, in the half of the first match my conexion suffered from a data exchange crash, dont know
what happen but i can tell it froze the game entirely very suddently, was like half a second but man, that stop was really hard, almost got killed in the game
Was a quick second but an agressive one
Beyond that no problems at all, very fluid and smooth.

Genshin Impact
With Genshin impact is where the true test began, because in this case is just a game that still being fresh and new
and despite is not a demanding game compared to others, in my pc its almost impossible, would be like that meme of that
guy who played minecraft and his pc exploded
Also is a game that i really want to play, i played a few ocations of is one of my fav games already and i love a lot of characters
the only thing who stops me to play is my actual hardware. So i spent like 3 minutes adding my account, the main screen loaded, the world was
generated, my last save was revived.
And once again geforce executed the game like nothing all smooth even in full combat, and with a ton of npcs in the situation of mondstadt
I gotta say, Im very impressed on how the game run all the time
I was impressed with Paladins but this jeez, i have nothing to say
this time, i had no problems with anything, i thought i would
have a lot of trouble speacially since Genshin is still a new game
unlike Paladins and HL2
But everything runs at sweet 60fps and max graphics!! I was able to grind with my girl lisa without problems
This time i took a lot of screenshot, see how wonderful everything looks!

Is very impressive, ngl im astonished specially when you know genshin runs like crap, just look at this example, is not that different from my situation, the only diference is i have just 4gb of ram
Yeah clearly this notebooks is not a gaming machine, even for my university task was a pain in the ass First of all, the 30 minutes limit, althought i comprehend the reason behind the limit i dont think 30 min enough for some games, for singleplayer games maybe is not that a huge problem like my first playthrough of hl2 or some other games supported like Hotline Miami but for multiplayer games or games who required to take take to dive in the world is not enough. Like My Second Match in Paladins my time limit just striked in the middle of an intense match and in Genshin Impact a good chunch of the time was wasted in put my account and exploring the world to find a mission or something to kill, i cant imagine that in other games supported Like both cs:source and cs:go and league of legends... yeah imagine a lol match less than 20-30 minutes its almost impossible, even the crappiest team last 20 minutes, i know its just a time trial but man in genshin was like, seriously 30 minutes already! nawwww Also, a lot of games, i mean... i lot of games from my steam library is not supported by nvidia geforce now i have arround 20 games and just 12 games are playeable which is a big draw back although maybe paying the subscription you can play more games and the other games from my steam library can be playeable so i give them the benefit of the doubt
But at the end of the day, i look this as a good way to promote
nvidias graphics card and experience one
and to be honest this made me want to buy one of those
PC/Notebooks powered with nvidia gpus, seriously, my actual
notebook is crap but with this it made look even crappier
So yeah, in that side, it made me want to have the nvidia
experience and have one but pay for a service just to
play some games with a permanent internet conection and pay
a subscription for that? ehhh no.. i had my opinions on streaming services but despite all the awesome expierience
after this not much has changed
Its like my wished ps3 slim, yeah i can play PS3 in ps4 and ps5
paying that ps network service monthly, but is that really worth it
when you just want to play singleplayer games? at least for me.. not
better save that money and have the real thing, even if cost one lung
its worth it
A Tale of Vocaloid Discovery
Today is the day, time to tell another boring and uninspired story of my life just to make more space in this website hard drive, i didnt have any more ideas to write so i think its time to inmortalize another of my boring life chapters which no one cares about anyway.
Same as my furry tale article this post will be a kind of introspective and explore how we get to this point
But contrary to that post the origin is clear, and i still remember that day
Everything began when i was an smol lad, everybody was having fun with theirs xbox 360s while me i was poor af and the only method of entretainment was to watch the boring box called television
Was a sunny day i was watching the news meanwhile i was boring as hell, until something happened, the woman of the news just started to talk about a AI, i was like wth "they made another robot?" because idk why arround 2011-2013 there was a ton of news about robots in the news maybe was a time of a lot of development i suppose. But anyway i just grabbed the tv remote, turned on the volume and everything is history
Yes ladies and gentlement that was in the actual news, was the same thing ive watched back in the day when i had 11 Years old, jesus christ i'm rotting so slow
Man this is WIIIILD i didnt remind that appeared world is mine on TV IN 2012, man what a nostalgia rush it was a euphoric experience to revive this memory again, not kidding i was total euphoric watching this after years! this is digital archeology
Was nuts to see that i was shocked ,the idea of a ia singing songs catched my attention at the speed of light, was like DAMN, A JAPANESE IA WHO SINGS? THATS COOL AS HELL
but Looking that video now, theres so many wrong things happening with that news, i idk why never mentioned saki fujita, or the fact she is not an hologram entirely but a voice bank and is not only Miku but theres like a million of vocaloids and well they show the existance of Miku in 2012 when Miku and Vocaloid existed a long time ago, the news coming late as always but man, its so unreal to look now, vocaloid on tv?! what kind of sorcery is that
But despite that, i still remember that day, was in the afternoon and didnt have paper to write it so i writed "hatsune Miku" in that wall, even when many years after arround 2015 that wall was painted i still remebered the spot
Man i regret of not taking photos of their final moments because the past month after years was demolished so a important piece of my history was deleted but hey, will never be forgoten
Funny to think something that simple as writing an artist name on a wall can be the genesis for a big obsession isnt it?
Anyway that thing just keep sounding in my mind after days even in my school dark daily days, i never talked with anyone of this being a kind of secret and because of that it falled into the obscurity of my mind
Until 2014 when something happened, my mom just changed me of school, was an hard and ankward time being changed of school after years, was a radical one and a hard one, everything was diferent and i had to socialize by force but were the end of the dark times.... kinda
i started to have friends after a long time, they showed me a lot of things but also i tried to not to talk about nerd stuff because i was the poor kid who recently in 2013 had internet and i just started to discover the world.
Until one day me and my mates were just hanging out outside the computer lab talking about dumb things until someone mentioned those two magical words, "Hatsune Miku" , instantly i remembered when i writed that thing on the wall and though, maybe its time to give it a chance for once, was a long time since that day so why not?
I still remeber the night when opened chrome in my win 8 acer notebook i searched finally after years that word with the main result my first hatsune miku video.. "Levan Polka", Yeah Levan Polka was techically my first Miku/Vocaloid song ever and with good reason, was the first result and i never knew that song was a banger since time ago and was kinda used in some memes
I unironically listened that song to death but that not the song that made feel "euphoric" about Vocaloid because this rush started with this video
This was *bleep* NUTS i remember rocking so hard with this thing i still do it 300 years later
Uncounciously was a perfect way to meet the main legendary vocaloids, theres no meiko, kaito or Gumi but year passed and logically i heard them but man, i cant explain the epicness of heard that for the first time jesus christ
It was in fact one of my first songs that i downloaded from youtube using atube catcher, JESUS CHRIST THE MEMORIES, DID YOU GUYS USE THAT BACK IN THE DAY?
now i think about it, that amout of ship possibilities in that video are absurd, wheres my luka x len tho
And also this
Yeah Hatsune Miku made me Discover Caramelldansen and this is embarrasing but you know why? for a year i think This video made me believe that this was an actual Hatsune Miku song, until i realize her voice didnt match with her other songs even if you turn the pitch up, so yeah this video made me feel like an actual fool, probably one of the firsts internet moments where ive been bamboozled.
After that well was nothing more that discovery sadly i cant post more examples because my mind ,time and youtube did the job of delete those many bangers i listened in those days, years passed since 2014 and well despite "leave" a few years vocaloid because i lost my internet conection AGAIN and prioritize my obsession with trance back in 2015 i really never abandoned it, when i dive more deeper in my Dance/Electronica adventure Vocaloid and Hatsune Miku and Friends Always appeared in some point of my journey
Vocaloid made a "Revival" on me a few years i think since 2018 but i can say, maybe since i discovered Neocities My obsession with Vocaloid made stronger because this site should be named "Vocaloid Fansite" because every damn site i visit Vocaloid exist in some point, No joke literally almost everybody here has some story with Vocaloid, a Hatsune Miku theme, or song or theres people who talk about how they ship their favorite Vocaloid characters and how they are obsessed with it and they made some crazy lores or they Self ship with their favorite Vocaloid Character, what kind of psychopath would ship themself with their favorite characters *cof*Koinuko*cof*
And yeah... thats all i guess because we reached the present day, Nothing interesting has Happening Related with vocaloid besides the fact some banana boy possesed my soul and mind and made me Listen a ton of his songs, put his face as my discord pfp and made me buy hes clothing where hes finally took control of my body.
Anyway, how looks the future for my vocaloid heart? well looks promesing
but i can tell already, As a lot of things im experiencing in these last years im doomed of not having access to an internet conection back in 2008 because i will never have a chance to experience the early days
Even if like a lot of things keep digging the past its impossible to hear all the vocaloid songs of back then, even now I still fiding vocaloid crap from the past, is not a thing that happen just with vocaloid but with everything else, i think ive said this a lot of times, but it hurts
I wonder how would be my childhood if i heard that garden of hands of rin
Man that song rocks, i just love how they Made Something Pure and Angelic as rin and transform it into a killer demon
So yeah I envy you all lucky ones who lived these golden days
EDIT: I had this article ready to upload since days but i had to edit this because i found this ancient rin video, see? i its impossible to discover all the things made back in the day, click here if you cant watch it from here
A 3 Year Adventure, My Lonely Corner Aniversary!

I cant believe that passed 3 years already since i created one simple green themed page just for messing arround with basic HTML
Was really fun, and kind of addictive. I still remember those first days, where i stayed all night coding and messing arround with adjusting the size of the icons and text without know anything about css, just changing colors and playing with fonts.
And well its impressive that something who started like a other learning proyect ended in the creation of my small space in the digital world
And what a journey, having now
1,178 updates
0 tips
Ok, i had to say something since a long time i wanted to say I really dont feel really confortable with those numbers, like always i prefer to "stay Underground" not be the focus of attention and just stay in my corner, more views means that you are more visible to the point that in some moment you will apear in the front page and that idea scares me. I know Neocities is not a popular place like other social media (Thank God) but being popular is not gud lol
I know its a factor that is out of my hands and something innevitable but still.
But at the same time, i cant believe, I really cant belive how many people actually like my stuff, no seriously is kinda shoking that random people in the internet like my poor writing and cheap Post, is like what the hell man.
I know i should do something more special for this 4 year aniversary but, i guess is appropiate to do a retrospective and speak more about my "present status"
Has been a beautiful Journey with many bug fixed and pages created.

But after all I want to give a big thank you to all those people that visited and supported this page since their crappy beginings
Since Hifumi, Koinuko, Turd, plasticdino, holeinmyheart to the legends that arent active here anymore like pernoctalian or Sluglaw
I just love you all, thank you to give like to my crappy 4 month hiatus updates and thank you to give like to all my crap posts.
I love you with all my heart.
"Liminal Garden" - An the Ecological Vision of Vaporwave

Vaporwave defenily has been one of the most innovative genres of this milleniumm, since 2010 vaporwave has been a factory of new ideas, aesthetics and vision about music and many subgenres has been born because those new ideas
And product of those new ideas, artist has been searched and builded new places to store and spread their sound. Vaporwave is house of the most Iconic and creative labels in existance From Dream Catalogue responsable of release some of the biggest juggernauts albums in nearly every vaporwave subgenre and being home of the first steps of Dreampunk, Beer on the rug who was one of the pioneers, Casual Buisness home of future funk, no problema tapes, etc,etc
In this resent years One guy came with a new fresh vision of Vaporwave, a new sound and a new Philosophy
That Guy took his green flag and Build his new Home called "Liminal Garden" and started spreading the new vision of vaporwave, "Naturewave". Naturewave is the oppose vision of Vaporwave, while vaporwave born to create a futuristic, nostalgic, dreamy and Ethereal vision Naturewave take the sound to a more organic and ecological place with the idea to conect music and create a close relationship between the listener and Nature
Liminal Garden Is not the Inventor of this microgenre, style or whatever thing is this New Sound, Liminal Garden Definetly has an unique sound putting in a blender New Age and Ambient Sounds to create kind of spiritual ambianses and Zen like Moods
Its impressive how in just a couple of years this labels has creating pure dream soundtracks, just having 18 releases in their catalog every one of them has something to say like a door to another world, Like Alicia where everyplace has distint from one another
I Personally think that their first release is the Anthem and the best descriptor of this label, "Channel of Dreams -Existence / meditation" A perfect Zen Ambient Album with two Songs of 30 Min that create one of the most peaceful Ambiace ive ever heard of An Vaporwave Release, the best descriptor i can think of its just Telepath but organic
And thats the Best part of this, because and the end of the day Liminal Garden is Home of the most beautiful, Celestial And Peaceful music ive ever head in many years listening this kind of music and not only that but their physical releases are a pure piece of Art!. thats another thing that Liminal garden is Unique, Their Cassettes Designs are the most original and probably theyre are the most unique cassettes in history, Seriously have You ever seen a Cassette like this?

Cute High Earth Defense Club love (First Impressions Episode 1-7)

After all these months watchin this show i finally.. FINALLY can write about it
Because OMG.... OMG this show is Awesome
I Started to watch Cute High Earth Defence at the beginning of this month but i finally can write my impressions after all this time because Damn work
First of all, to every one of you, why the hell this is so underrated? why shows like this are so hidden? Maybe because the effect that more "mainstream" shows provoke in other series or maybe because theres a ton of Magical Girls Series with the same plot
Cute High Earth Defense Club love is a great parody of magical girls, one of the really well done parodies of the monotonous Magical Girl Genre joining with series like madoka to Panty and Stockings with Garterbelt
But with Boys, Yep the Magical Boys genre is born baby and its epic, its better than u can actually imagine when you read it, in fact in those 7 episode ive never seen a single girl in any minute maybe this is the reverse world of Love live where everybody are girls
The plot of every episode (At least from 1 to 7) is a very funny parody of every magical girls plot,really it dosent change anything is the typical "oh no bad edgy enemies what to kill us all, we must beat them with the power of love, die bad guy, phew phew phew, oh did u know that frustration and negativity is not gud? we won yeeeee"
and its hillarious and makes a good job to not make everything so serious, in fact has a lot of comedy and jokes with some really wholesome and sweet moments
Even when they meet the typical sweet monster (You know that one that makes our protagonist heroes), the jokes dosent stop in fact they call him "Wombat", Now thats funny
All characters have some enormeous cosplay potential omg, its unbelieveable, and all are memorable they actually made a great job in this regard
Man this show has everything, cute characters, its funny as hell, great desings, It even has An Male Idol Intro, it has everything!
I hope i can have some time to continue to watch this show again I cant wait to see how this beautiful mess ends, Idk if this has a second season but if is not, my god I NEED ANOTHER SEASON
My new "Obsesion" with Gamer Magazines
I awaken again in me the desire to have a magazine in my hands again, one that is not national geographic Honestly for a long time I have wanted to have a gamer magazine in my hands, I remember that always and to this day I looked forward to the covers where link or kirby and other great games appeared when walking, it was something great to see I remember that whenever I am going to walk around the city I see some old numbers of "club nintendo" in the newspaper stands (club nintendo is basically "nintendo power" btw) but I would like to see if there are other platforms or gaming in general, since it seems that here nintendo club was popular because it is super easy to find
Unfortunately PC Gamer and many great magazines do not arrive here in Chile, I suppose that also the cost of shipping will not be cheap like almost all good things from Foreign and apparently there are no numbers in Spanish. And thas sad because they have great covers, in fact today I looked for the value of the subscription and a number with venti appeared on the main cover

Anyway, I hope to have one soon, I am determined when I have time I will take a long walk until I find an interesting magazine, I suppose that as it is my own I will upload an article when I have one, i should look more in depth in those second hand book stores tho
Oh btw all this started again by LGR, a youtuber that i follow who talks about old tech and games, hes really intereting u should watch his videos, I woke up this morning and a video of his appeared in the recommended ones where he ordered his pc games magazines from 99 to 2002
Parappa The Anime(First Impressions)
This Gonna be a Quick Opinion about "PaRappa the Rapper" The anime of Parappa released back in 2001 and discovered by me at the start of this week

I just Have Watched the First 3 episodes and OMG This Show is A GEM, A Hidden Gem! Man i miss shows like this, i havent see anything similar since Hey Arnold in the sense of none continuity between episodes and each one happen something and our hero and his friends try to save the day
The Characters are cool, parappa is really sweet and have a cute voice, same as the others characters showing in every episode and despite their own Personality none of them become irritating or something similar
except for one that would be the as*h*le of the show
And Have some Funny and Cute situations like The Crushes of Parappa, his thoughts on who would marrying with him in the future or his dreams, its so wholesome
Its like a breeze of fresh air, theres a lack of shows like this nowdays in general, thats why im glad to see wholesome shows and moments in series today like kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon or Similars
And the animations is just awesome and everything is colorful with that Childish Crayon Backgrounds and painting
Just for curiosity, there in CN USA or UK this was broadcasted? Because omg this show screams that early 2000s CN Show, like, idk... Teen Titans or Hi Puffy AmiYumi or something like that have that vibes but at the same time i dont believe it, because all the episodes in youtube are practically translated by fans
And Finally i see a Catchy Anime Intro in a long time, thank god studios like Trigger do catchy and awesome Intros because A lot of intros that ive seen are just meh and "Easy to Skip" And the Outro? Oh boi... I wanna have that banger as a ringtone
Parappa You won my heart, Prepare yourself! because im gonna watch all your 30 Episodes
A Furry Story
(Inspired in "How i became a Weeb" Post of Hifumi)
How i became a furry? Well thats a good question, even myself can decide the point of start
But like always everything start in the beautiful days of 2004-2006 more or less, a beautiful time where the sun was shiny, movies and cartoons were in the tv all day long on weekends and DVD was a new thing (My love for anime start here too)
Because my parents were outside all day long in the job, my mom decided to buy a sony dvd player for me and my sister.
My sister had a friend who sell *ehem* backups of movies *cof*
and she and my mother They buy a lot of movies from him since they sell them very cheap in those glorious DVD-R of 4GB and 320p of video
Here i practically watch a lot of great movies from shrek 2 to cars
You ever heard that phase of "Disney made furries" well its true but they shouldn't just blame disney, dreamworks has some responsability too
"Balto", "Robin Hood", "Kung Fu Panda", "Searchin Nemo", "Ice age", "brother bear", "over the hedge", "Bambi"
all of them and even more movies are like the "proto furry age" of my life, was really a blast, animals doing awesome stuff and being protagonist of awesome stories? man i really enjoyed a lot this time, watching movies after class everyday and night.
After that many things ocurred a lot of personal pain and darkness, so many painful shit began arround my 9-10 years old For those reasons my mom and I went to live a year in the capital and there i just watched a lot of Cartoon and Anime at Cartoon network (basically that was my Cartoon/Anime era)
Then I came back to my house And then in 2011-2012 the second "wave" of furriness started, and now was responsability of my Mom, let me explain, at that time my mom find a job of baby sitter, I was practically alone most of the time at home until very late and where the company I had was only my movies and television but sometimes my mom took me to that house and well I accompanied the little girl to watch tv
There Disney attacked Again and there i discovered some cool movies who i never heard before like "The Rescuers Down Under" or "Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas" and "House of Mouse" and my mom continued to buy me more cds movies like "Marmaduke", "Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore" and "Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole"
Was A Blast, enough to forget my loneliness and the new dark times who appeared at school.
And after that, well theres no more, my mom stop of buying dvds, my nephew broke the cd player, the tv turned into visual crap and i didnt have internet arround this time so.. that was the end and even when i get internet i discovered other things and began my own exploration to the virtual world of internet. And after all years there arround 2017-2018 a new word came in to invade my life, inumerable posts, comments, videos where the word "Furry" was mentioned at least once, everywhere when somebody was talking about Pokemon, Digimon, Devianart or similars that damn word was there, So for my peace of mind i did a quick search on Google and was like..

I fell in love at first sight! my apretiation for the "talking animals" just explode and it didn't take a month or two and I already had fursona, furry stuff and everything (except fursuit But the mayority of the fandom dosent have one so..)

Than that same day in february of 2018 I Became A Furry
and Since then im happy of discover this before i die... So.. Yeah! at this point im a completly furry, I'm not super into the fandom, I'm just on furries reddit and I follow fursuiters on facebook but thanks to the community i discovered so many good stuff.
You can belive in 2020 i discovered Fantastic Mr Fox?! man could be beautiful to watch it in my childhood, its my fav movie its so sad i didnt know anything for this movie at the time.
The future looks bright for furries, with a lot of movies with more anthropomorphic animals form indie filmakers, to hollywood and now weebs and furries has some good Anime with anthros like Beastars, BNA And Aggretsuko and I keep watching and discovering all those missed movies from my childhood with cool video quality.
Thanks to read this boring story if you read this completly of course It wasnt too interesting honestly, was more a introspective
My Kingdom
These weeks I have had an idea that has been a lot on my mind I've been wondering what someone or myself could do when you feel down or wonder if you belong somewhere Idk why honestly, but the truth I suppose that it is something that will always come up in some part of our lives either by introspection or maybe just analyzing what has happened a bit in life, something normal I suppose, it must be something like envy or the wrath I don't know why, but I told myself "Hey! What would happen if I make my own kingdom? Since I like fantasy or I want to make something of my own, why not a kingdom?" Some strange things that come to me out of nowhere, but that idea has been in my brain for weeks I mean, it can't be difficult, obviously I couldn't have a real kingdom with servants or a castle because it's almost impossible to achieve. But I said to myself "I can make a badge .. or I can make a flag, put some symbol, draw it somewhere and put it on some piece of wood, cosplaying wirt and wander through the woods, put some Ambient in my headphones" Although later I thought, is the fantasy making my brain fail or something? The truth is that it sounds very fanciful and at my age almost impossible to do, maybe my mother would laugh a little and people would see me as someone childish and immature Also sadly around where I live there are no forests, there are not many trees left of the ones that were left before, I also do not have a space to do it, nor money to invest in a new cosplay, how could I do all that when now my life forces me to get rid of What do I love to start a dark life full of work and obligations and the pressure to do things right drives me crazy? Maybe it is something that in the future I can consider doing But maybe it's just a crazy idea, a bit beautiful, but I guess I'm many years late Goodbye goodbye my inner child, I will miss you with all my heart when dark adulthood takes hold of me, but as long as I have my passions, I will not let you die, not so easy, maybe I will fulfill it in a future time.